Cecille Elliott | Featured Artist

Cecille is a multifaceted musician specializing in voice, violin, and viola. A prolific songwriter, she has recently begun sharing her strikingly raw and deeply captivating compositions with public audiences - including the world premiere of We Are Murmurs at the Resonance Ensemble showcase, Dirty Stupid Music. Throughout her music career she has taken on various avenues from orchestra halls and auditoriums to pubs and open mics. Her passion lies in the diversity of music, and how her instruments find voices around the world and in various genres. As a performer and creator, she has collaborated with various artists across the country to bring their projects to life. She spends much of her free time buried in various forms of creative writing, and building her skills as a visual artist, with film, photography, drawing, and painting as her mediums of choice.

Learn more about Cecille and her work at the links below:

website | soundcloud | instagram

Cecille appears on these Resonance programs:

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